Registration form includes checkbox to accept terms, privacy policy and legal documents
Strata keyword changed to Community through out the platform
Secret ballot allows meeting manager to enter manual votes for hybrid meeting type
Question dialog added to voting page features: "add proxy" and "proxy setup" and to management interface features: "quorum threshold" and "chair setup"
Management interface resolution control table also contains total number of submitted votes for each resolution
Voter's page text clean up
0.38b Nov 4, 2021
Welcome page: new promotional video along with list of features added
Admin module new features added
0.37b Oct 14, 2021
Secret ballot introduced for pure electronic meetings (all voters must be online or be allowed to login on an electronic device to submit their vote)
Emailing routine re-implemented, outgoing messages (e-mails) are now being put in a queue and a dedicated daemon process is serving them in the background
0.36b Oct 3, 2021
When creating/editing resolutions and Quick Votes it is possible to specify whether the item should be listed on restricted proxy form for restricted proxy votes definition
Default maximum number of lots, voters, resolutions, attachments and cumulative attachments size per meeting tier implemented
Meeting statistics (current number of lots, voters, resolutions, attachments and att sizes) placed on meeting overview page
After voting is finished for the resolution, voting result is being distributed to all voters
Manager voting results display also percentage of Yes and No votes
0.35b Sep 27, 2021
Quick votes introduced - it is possible to add custom voting items dynamically during the meeting
Changes to resolutions/quick votes are distributed to the voters live
Caching of resolution attachments and pictures implemented for better performance
0.34b Sep 17, 2021
Bulk delete of lots and voters feature added
Configurable field Quorum threshold added + alerting when quorum drops below this threshold
Strata Plan number removed from registration page, it is being assigned after registration when adding new strata
Motioning is now based on both voter and lot
0.33b Aug 31, 2021
Unit information added to strata lot number on management interface, e-mailing and proxy pages
"Strata LMS" string replaced with "Strata Plan number" through the interface
Adding proxy by a manager is now being initiated from voter agenda
0.32b Aug 24, 2021
Resolution definition includes strata voting types (majority, 3/4, 80%, or unanimous votes)
Quorum calculation simplified, it displays cumulative result for both "allowed to vote" (online) and "manual" (in person) voters
Drop-down boxes for meeting chair selection removed and were replaced by text field
Back-end session handling optimized
0.31b Aug 19, 2021
Voting page allows entering multiple voting codes (for those who proxy for more than one owner)
Platform allows adding more than one e-mail address to the voter's entry
Debugging mode introduced to enable on demand logging of DB transactions execution
0.30b Aug 4, 2021
Proxy capabilities reviewed, upgraded and enabled
Platform supports proxy and restricted proxy votes
Proxy (restricted proxy) can be defined or removed by both voter and meeting manager
Proxy voters are generated a voting code and can login to the platform
0.29b Jun 14, 2021
Voting matrix implemented - to display details of whom and how voted for each resolution
Hybrid mode (in person mode) introduced - platform now allows to mark voters as "in present" or "manual mode" for those who are attending in person and the votes are entered to the platform by the meeting manager. This mode allows the platform being used as a voting tool for pure in person meetings or combined ones (some voters are in person while others connect remotely via phone and this platform)
Clicking resolution attachment link won't navigate the browser away from current page
Addition and deletion of any entry is also being logged
Logs are showing db entry id
0.28b Jun 1, 2021
Change log introduced
Term & service and Privacy policy pages added
Platform upgrade to support assignment of multiple voters to one strata lot (lot owned by more than one owner) as well as possibility for a voter to vote for multiple strata lots (owner owns more than one lot in the strata)